Hello, I'm Tim Vo,

Full Stack Web Developer.

I enjoy using React with some backend magic to solve problems and bring ideas to life!

View My Works


My journey into coding started when a friend asked for my help creating a fun little boba shop search app. Not one to shy away from a challenge, we spent a week figuring out how to just make it work...

After going through countless google searches, youtube videos, and boba tea cups, we finally did get it to work! It was then I realized how much I enjoyed the process of not just coding but, the process of bringing an idea to life through collaboration and creativity.

Interested in working together?

I am always open to discuss future collaborations!

Please don't hesitate to contact me!

Development Skills:
  • React
  • Redux
  • Typescript
  • Next.js
  • Express
  • Jest
  • Git/Github
  • PostgresQL
  • Cypress


Next.js MUI React Query


Catalogues tricks and comboes in tricking samplers. Displays movements/tricks as you watch the sampler. Can search and sort tricks in samplers.

React Express Tailwind Redux


Kanban Board with persistent Google SSO sessions, built in database transactions, and state mangement with Redux. Board orientation persists in the database.

Typescript React NestJS PostgresQL

Mug Bucket

Upload, store, and share photos via generated cdn link.

Next.js Shopify Tailwind GraphQL


Ecommerce store built with the Shopify Storefront API.


Got any questions? Let’s talk about it.


Irvine, CA


